Monday, January 30, 2006

You know, usually I'm an early adopter...

...but until reading an article last week, I'd never even heard of MySpace, much less created a profile on it. But, you know, better late than never?

Anyone else out there on it? I'm not going a good job finding my friends out there, if you are...

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Got my first off-the-street, saw-our-ad-in-Nuvo, not-a-friend-of-mine registration for the workshop today! Woohoo!

Now, to find childcare for that day...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Well, if I ever remotely questioned that coaching people through emotional processing was my business partner and anam cara's* true lifework and vocation, I have no doubts now. I was stressed last night over money and my daughter's illness (they want to take her to Riley for yet more tests, and I don’t want her to have to go through all that again!). And what began as a phone conversation about my fears over that and several other things, turned into him processing me for almost two-and-a-half hours (!) last night. I can't tell you precisely what happened, but I know that wherever he took me inside myself was someplace I have never been before. And from how... disjointed?... I feel today, I suspect that I've never been -close- to there before.

I feel... I don't know words for this mix of feelings, actually. A little raw, as if a layer were scoured away that I've never been under before; a little uncertain. But not unpleasantly so; just very new, as if I'm re-learning parts of my heart that had almost atrophied with disuse. As if a change has begun that I now just need to leave alone for a while, to allow it to work under the surface. Chrysalised, if that's a word.

So I'm going to be quiet, for a change, and let whatever is happening, happen.

* "...the anam cara, the notion of soul friendship. Anam is the word for soul, and cara is the word for friend. When you had an anam cara friend, it was as if you were joined in an eternal way with a friend of your soul, in some incredible recognition of the sublime affinity between the two. Originally, the myth was that each human was two in one, but they were split and separated, consequently they spent most of their lives searching for their other half. In the Celtic idea of the anam cara, the anam cara is the other half that you have been missing. In coming into the gift and grace of friendship, you enter into your own fullest completion. You are also being gifted with a dimension of your soul that was hungry and lost and is now found. That kind of attraction, passion, affinity and belonging is a profound experience of birthing one’s own identity." --John O'Donohue

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Quick update

1) Thanks to several friends who Saved My Bacon, the move is largely complete! I still have some random junk to get from the house, but we're sleeping at the new place and almost all our furniture is there, so that should count as done. Huge relief.

2) Catri's hip is better but not healed yet so I have to take her in to get an X-ray tonight just to make sure nothing else is going on.

3) The name change process has started! (Sorry, Brian... inconveniencing your address book is not sufficient reason for me :)) Now to see how badly it screws up my work systems...

4) We have a message about someone interested in our class. Crossing fingers, 'cause it's a really cool workshop and I want to generate enough interest to get to run it this time.

5) I become older tomorrow. :)

6) I'm BURIED with work at work. Just when I don't need it. Whee.

7) What does one wear to a formal ball, does anyone know? I assume floor length is de rigueur, yes? My only floor length is probably too cold to wear this time of year. Hrm.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Why my daughter has been largely immobile this week

Never heard of it before, but she has transient synovitis of the hip:

Though she finally got over her viral exanthem -- which is fancy for 'rash caused by a virus'.

Now, as our doctor said, "The real question, of course, is what's going on with her immune system that makes her get rashes and joint inflammation any time a virus walks by. Unfortunately, we don't have simple tests for that one yet..."

Meanwhile, taking care of her has simply eaten my packing time. I'm now so panicked I'm past panicked, if that makes sense. It'll happen, 'cause it has to...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A fast update from a frantic woman

(Anyone who was going to finish that statement "a fast woman" must know something about me I don't. :) Or maybe you need to get to know m... anyway. :) )

1) Did I pack this weekend? No, no, NO, no.
2) Did I spend the weekend throwing up, down, and sleeping? Yes, yes, YES, yes.
3) Did I have to take my daughter to the medcheck tonight for what turned out to be lingering effects of the same virus 10 days after she first showed symptoms? Yes, yes, YES, yes.
4) Am I so far behind in packing it's not funny now? Yes, yes, YES, yes.

EEEK. Just... eeek. And did I mention EEK?

The 15th comes way too soon.

OH. And I lose DSL at the new place! WAH! Serves me right for moving without checking the distance from a telco central office, huh? So I'll be stuck with cable modem 'cause it's the ONLY, repeat ONLY high-speed internet available at that address, period. And only from ONE cable company. Anti-trust laws indeed!

I do, however, have some good news:
1) I can see the kids becoming more comfortably independent each day. The boy, when faced with both mom and sister basically in bed all weekend, did beautifully with feeding himself, running to the corner store and getting Mom gatorade, and in general was pretty impressively mature. The girl, in the times when she's seemed well before re-symptomizing (is that a word? It is now!), has tied her hair back in a bandana and frankly done better than Mom at tackling huge piles of chaos to get things packed (we do have SOME done. Just not NEARLY enough.) It's like my daughter disappears and some Goddess of Domesticity is in her place. The girl also got nominated for some cool young scholars thing that I am darned if I know how I'd find the money to send her to, but I'd sure like to. And the boy stayed up to finish math homework, the thing that he was about to flunk out for not doing, because there's a new "incentive program" at school for it and because he's decided it's time to look like he has the brain he does. Darned proud of both of them, really.

2) Meanwhile, after panicking for months over the impending responsibility, Mom's calmly dealing with dinner, homework, packing, dishes, laundry, etc. We've discovered a late-night grocery run is still possible if I'm quick; doesn't hurt them to be home alone at night for 40 minutes when I'm on cell and less than 10 minutes away at any time. Also discovered that just the three of us is astonishingly cheap to cook for, and that, if I accept that I'm no gourmet and never will be, I can still keep us (and the guinea pigs!) nutritionally reaonsonably balanced. Do I miss some aspects of my social life? More than I care to admit. But I'll figure out how to balance the rest of it later. I'm just happy that this part is much less painful than I feared.

3) Have ads in and fliers going up for the next seminar. I'm proud of the fliers (note, these are LOW resolution versions; don't think I don't know better than to mot use better resolution for printing!):
Now, if this time we can get participants!

4) I have after-school childcare for really a quite ridiculously cheap price, that the bus will take them to and from, that lets them stay in their current schools for the rest of the year, and that gives them some fun structured activities, field trips, covers snow days, half-days, 2-hour delays... the works. This was my greatest unresolved dilemna and will actually let me work longer than 8 hours if I have to (project go-live ahead, you know). I can't begin to tell you how relieved I am.

So despite the fact that I'm convinced movers will show and won't be able to find anything to move because none of it will be packed and all of it will be under the CHAOS that is my filthy house, things are actually going well.

And now, to fall over go BOOM, 'cause I'm exhausted!

(Wait, didn't I say this would be a fast update? Guess fast doesn't mean short, huh? Well, I've been remiss in posting recently, so I owed the blog a couple minutes. And it would have been really a couple minutes if some stupid auto update wasn't trying to occur in the background of this computer, thus giving me typing lag. Don't you hate typing lag?)

...Guess what? I'm so tired I'm punchy and babbling. Tell me to go ni-ni now. "Ni-ni now!"